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联系人:王可美 给我留言 留言
传 真:020-61102594




Established in 1998, Mei Wen Culture Things Co., ltd is a sole-proprietorship of integrated with the professional development, design, manufacture and marketing. Including compositional products of metal, plastic, leather, printing etc, our products mainly include several catalogues: Display Series, Office Accessories, Acrylic Photo Frames, Literature products, National Flags, Gift & Premium, Genuine Leather Briefcase, Financial Equipment such as Banknote Counter and Custom-made Series and so on.

After having experienced many years of quick development, our company has been continuously developing more and more numerous products. Based on “Honesty”, we win the trust and support from our customers. Based on the mutual benefits and win-win policy of our traditional style, we will increasingly try our best to expand further. We will welcome new and regular clients with high qualityhigh efficiency and first-rate service. For keeping and strengthening the prospect of our domestic market at the same time, we hope that our superior-quality products can be reached on the world market and face future!


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