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  您现在的位置: 展风烫印材料有限公司 > 首页
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联系人:陈先生 给我留言 留言
传 真:0755-28453063

   展风烫印材料有限公司是一家专业制作各类烫金版,凹凸版,电化铝(烫金箔)的高新技术企业.主要生产腐蚀铜版,锌版,硅胶版,磨砂版,镭射折光版,雕刻烫金模,浮雕凹凸模,浮雕烫击模等.作为中国印刷包装的纸品模具制版专业厂商,[展风]不但具有当前世界一流的模具制版制造品质,更具有对设计,工艺研发,创新引导潮流的理念. 公司拥有多台高科技的机器,及一批专业印前,印后工艺设计师和制版工程师,广泛应用于烟,酒,贺卡,纸袋,酒店用品,化妆品等.

 Company Profile

     "Giant-find" paper products,mould and plate manufactory specializes in gilding,photogravure and phototype,We mainly produce etching copper plate,zincography,engraving gilding mould,embossment mould,etc.

 As a papet print mould manufactory in china,"Giant-find"offers world class quality services to customers,We provide design and innovative ideas;and consistently carry out craftwork research and development.

We have several high technology machines and a group of pre-print designers and palate-making engineers.Our services are widely used in cigarette,wine,greeting cards,paper bags,etc.

"Giant-find" -established in 1994,assimilated China traditional plate manufacturing experiences.Following the prosperity of the printing and wrapping industry,and because of the rapid changing printing market,we adopted fine metal plate and its technology from overseas in1996,Synthesizing the technology,in1998,"Giant-find" became the first in Guangdong to launch the partly gilding plate,and used the computerized engraving 3-D print mould,etc.We started the China history in using these new technologies.The move also makes us in line with the international standard.

Today ,we face the world with a much higher standard.Positive attitude and innovative ideas let us leap forward.With you,we believe we will have a brilliant future in the printing industry.

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