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  您现在的位置: 珠海赛比特电气设备有限公司 > 首页
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手 机:13172661326
传 真:0756-3319635







Zhuhai Saibite Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. (ZSEE) is located in Zhuhai, a seaside city to the South China Sea, a closely neighboring city of Macao, 45 sea miles away from Hong Kong, and possesses favorable regional advantages and developed international logistics network.

ZSEE works wholeheartedly for technical research on electric power and electronics, professionally deals with the development, production and marketing of various high-frequency switch power, grid-connected photovoltaic power and electrical intelligentizedly-controlled product. Relying on years’ experiences on researching and manufacturing of electrically-powered electron and automatically-controlled productions, ZSEE provides customers credible renewed-energy power generation, improvement of power grid and energy-saving technical solutions and productions.

The high-frequency grid-connected photovoltaic power system, researched and discovered by ZSEE, is able to transform renewable energy power, including power generated by sun-energy battery, wind power generator and fuel battery, to electric power according with the demands of power grid and imports it into grid. With all of its technical guidelines reaching advanced international levels. it is the core components which enable renewable energy power being connected to power grid.

Making electrical and electronic technique improvingly promote the usage of renewable energy power is the orientation of our production researching and discovering.

Providing customers perfect technical solutions and high-quality productions is the goal that we pursuit.


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